Page 159 - ISCDEBK-12
P. 159

Dissolution of a Partnership Firm                                              6.33

                     Dr.                              REALISATION ACCOUNT                             Cr.
                       Particulars                       `      Particulars                         `
                     To  Fixed Assets A/c               21,000   By  Creditors A/c                 14,320
                     To  Stock A/c                      11,200   By  Elephant Ltd.                 48,000
                     To  Sundry Debtors A/c             19,600   By  Cat’s Capital A/c              4,200
                     To  Bank A/c (Creditors)           14,000       (Furniture Taken Over)
                     To  Gain (Profit) transferred to:          By  Bank A/c (Debtors)             19,200
                        Cat’s Capital A/c  (3/4)   14,940
                        Rat’s Capital A/c (1/4)   4,980   19,920
                                                        85,720                                     85,720

                     Dr.                            PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                        Cr.
                       Particulars              Cat      Rat      Particulars              Cat    Rat
                                                 `       `                                  `      `
                     To  Realisation A/c (Furniture)   4,200   ...   By  Balance b/d       24,000   8,000
                     To  Preference Shares of                   By  Current A/cs            4,200   2,000
                        Elephant Ltd. A/c        4,500   4,500     (Transfer)
                        (` 12,000 – ` 3,000 =  ` 9,000)         By  Realisation A/c        14,940   4,980
                        (divided equally) (See Statement              (Gain)
                        of Distribution of Equity and
                        Preference Shares)
                     To  Equity Shares of Elephant Ltd.
                        A/c (3 : 1)             15,000   5,000
                     To  Bank A/c (Final Payment)   19,440   5,480
                                                43,140   14,980                            43,140  14,980

                     Dr.                             ELEPHANT  LTD.’S ACCOUNT                         Cr.
                       Particulars                       `        Particulars                       `
                     To  Realisation A/c                48,000   By  Bank A/c                      16,000
                         (Stock and Fixed Assets                By  Preference Shares of Elephant Ltd. A/c     12,000
                          excluding Furniture)                       (160 × ` 75)
                                                                By  Equity Shares of Elephant Ltd. A/c      20,000
                                                                   (1,600 × ` 12.5*)
                                                        48,000                                     48,000

                                                                                 `                  `
                     * Total Purchase Consideration                                                48,000

                       Less:  Cash Received                                     16,000
                           Value of Preference Shares Received                  12,000             28,000
                       Balance being value of 1,600 Equity Shares                                  20,000
                       ∴ Issue price of an Equity Share = ` 20,000/1,600 = ` 12.5.
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