Page 272 - ISCDEBK-12
P. 272

Final Accounts of Companies—Application of Schedule III, Part I...            10.23

                     Notes to Accounts                                                           (` in ’000)

                     Particulars                                                                    `
                      1.  Share Capital
                         Authorised Capital
                        ...  Equity Shares of ` 100 each                                      ...
                         ... 12% Preference Shares of ` 100 each                              ...      ...
                        Issued Capital
                        50,000 Equity Shares of ` 100 each                                   5,000
                         40,000, 12% Preference Shares of ` 100 each                         4,000   9,000
                        Subscribed Capital
                        Subscribed and fully paid-up
                        50,000 Equity Shares of ` 100 each                                   5,000
                         40,000 Preference Shares of ` 100 each                              4,000   9,000
                      2.  Reserves and Surplus
                        Surplus, i.e., Balance in Statement of Profit and Loss (opening balance)   ...
                          Add: Loss as per Statement of Profit and Loss                     (1,800)   (1,800)
                      3.  Long-term Borrowings
                        10% Debentures                                                              2,000
                        Premium on Redemption of Debentures                                          200
                      4.  Long-term Provisions
                        Employees’ Earned Leave payable on Retirement                                450
                      5.  Short-term Borrowings
                        Short-term Bank Loan                                                         450
                      6.  Other Current Liabilities
                        Calls-in-Advance                                                              50
                      7.  Non-Current Investments
                        20,000; 12% Debentures of Tata Steel (` 100 each)                           2,000
                         10% Debentures of Reliance Ltd. (1,000 × 4/5th Redeemable after 12 months)      800
                         Investment in Land and Building                                            2,000
                      8.  Other Current Assets
                        Prepaid Expenses                                                             500
                         Interest Accrued on Debentures of Tata Steels                               120

                     Contingent Liability: Proposed Dividend ` 2,00,000.
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