Page 46 - ISCDEBK-12
P. 46

3.4                                      Double Entry Book Keeping (Section A)—ISC XII

                        Years Ended   31st March, 2014   31st March, 2015   31st March, 2016   31st March, 2017   31st March, 2018
                         Profits (`)    15,390       16,130        20,415        23,535        28,780

                     You are required to determine the amount to be paid by  C to each partner on both the
                     occasions and their ultimate Profit-sharing Ratio.
                     On 1st Occasion (1st April, 2016):
                     C buys 5/17th share of A, i.e., 17/33 × 5/17 = 5/33 and 4/16th share of B, i.e., 16/33 × 4/16 = 4/33.

                                                ` 15,390 +  ` 16,130 +  ` 20,415
                                     Goodwill =                            × 2 = ` 34,623
                     C will pay ` 5,246 to A (i.e., ` 34,623 × 5/33 for acquiring 5/33rd share) and ` 4,197 to B
                     (i.e., ` 34,623 × 4/33 for acquiring 4/33rd share).

                     New  Profit-sharing  Ratio:  A(17/33  –  5/33  =  12/33);  B(16/33  –  4/33  =  12/33);  C(5/33  +  4/33
                     = 9/33) or 12/33: 12/33: 9/33 or 4 : 4 : 3.
                     On 2nd Occasion (1st April, 2018):
                     C purchases 1/12th of remaining shares of  A and  B  which  is  12/33  (each).  Therefore,
                     C  purchases  12/33  ×  1/12  =  1/33rd  share  (each).  New  Profit-sharing  Ratio  will  be
                     A(12/33  –  1/33  =  11/33);  B(12/33  –  1/33  =  11/33);  C(9/33  +  1/33  +  1/33  =  11/33)  or  11/33  :
                     11/33 : 11/33 or 1 : 1 : 1.
                     Ultimate Profit-Sharing Ratio will be equal.

                                                ` 20,415 +  ` 23,535 +  ` 28,780
                                    Goodwill =                            × 2 = ` 48,487.
                     On 2nd occasion, C will pay ` 1,469 each (i.e., ` 48,487 × 1/33) to A and B (for acquiring
                     1/33rd share from each of them).
                     Illustration 2 (Calculation of Investment to be made to become a Partner).
                     A commenced his business with a capital of ` 5,00,000 on 1st April, 2013. During 5 years
                     ended 31st March, 2018, the results of his business were:

                      Year Ended                                                           `
                       31st March, 2014                  Loss                           10,000
                       31st March, 2015                  Profit                         26,000
                       31st March, 2016                  Profit                         34,000
                       31st March, 2017                  Profit                         40,000
                       31st March, 2018                  Profit                         50,000

                     During  this  period,  he  withdrew  ` 80,000 for his personal use. On 1st  April, 2018, he
                     admitted B into partnership on the following terms:
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