Page 102 - MA12
P. 102

M.8                                         Management Accounting (Section B)—ISC XII


                       1.  (i)  When an existing partner of a firm retires or dies, the remaining partners will get
                             (gain) his share of profit. So, the gaining partners should compensate the retiring
                             or deceased partner in the form of goodwill. The amount of compensation is equal
                             to the proportionate value of Firm’s Goodwill.
                              Retiring/Deceased Partner’s Share of Goodwill = Value of Firm’s Goodwill × Share of
                                                                        Profits Sacrificed.
                          (ii)  (a)  Adjusting  Entry  to  adjust  salary  or  Commission  to  a  partner:
                                 Salary  or  Commission  A/c       ...Dr.
                                    To  Partner’s  Capital  A/c             [In  case  of  Fluctuating  Capital]
                                    To  Partner’s  Current  A/c                  [In  case  of  Fixed  Capital]
                             (b)  Closing  Entry:
                                 Profit  and  Loss  Appropriation  A/c   ...Dr.
                                    To  Salary  or  Commission  A/c
                         (iii)  (a)  On  the  basis  of  Time;
                             (b)  On  the  basis  of  Sales  or  Turnover.
                              Deceased partner’s share of profit will be credited to his Capital Account and debited to
                             the continuing Partners’ Capital Accounts in their Gaining Ratio when the profit-sharing
                             ratio of the continuing partners changes.
                         (iv)  Company can utilise the Securities Premium Reserve of ` 22,00,000 as follows:
                              (a)  ` 10,00,000 to write off underwriting commission.
                              (b)  Remaining ` 12,00,000 to provide for premium on redemption of 9% Debentures.
                          (v)  Short-term  borrowings  are  the  borrowings  which  are  taken  during  the  year  and  are
                             repayable  within  12  months  or  within  the  period  of  operating  cycle  from  the  date
                             of  Balance  Sheet.
                              The  items  included  are:
                             (a)  Loan  repayable  on  demand;  (b)  Deposits:
                             (c)  Bank  overdraft  or  cash  credit  from  banks.

                         (vi)                       JOURNAL OF VISHVA LTD.
                     Date     Particulars                                          L.F.   Dr. (`)   Cr. (`)

                             Sundry Assets A/c                               ...Dr.      8,40,000
                                To  Sundry Liabilities A/c                                         80,000
                                To  Motorola Ltd.                                                 7,20,000
                                To  Capital Reserve A/c (Balancing Figure)                         40,000
                             (Being the assets and liabilities of Motorola Ltd. taken over)
                             Motorola Ltd.                                   ...Dr.      7,20,000
                                To  9% Debentures A/c                                             6,00,000
                                To  Securities Premium Reserve A/c                                1,20,000
                             (Being the consideration paid by issue of 6,000; 9% Debentures)

                     Note:  No. of Debentures to be Issued  =  Purchase Consideration ÷ Issue Price
                                               =  ` 7,20,000 ÷ ` 120 = 6,000 Debentures.
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