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3.10                                         Analysis of Financial Statements—CBSE XII
                     Illustration 5.
                     From the following Balance Sheet of XYZ Ltd., calculate:

                     (i) Debt to Equity Ratio; (ii) Proprietary Ratio, and (iii) Total Assets to Debt Ratio.

                                             BALANCE SHEET OF XYZ LTD.  as at 31st March, 2024
                     Particulars                                                      Note No.    `
                      I.  EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                         1.  Shareholders’ Funds
                            (a)  Equity Share Capital                                           15,00,000
                            (b)  Reserves and Surplus                                            3,00,000
                         2.  Non-Current Liabilities
                            Long-term Borrowings                                                 9,00,000
                         3.  Current Liabilities
                            (a)  Short-term Borrowings                                           2,00,000
                            (b)  Trade Payables                                                 11,00,000
                        Total                                                                   40,00,000
                       II.  ASSETS
                         1.  Non-Current Assets
                            (a)  Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets:
                                 —Property, Plant and Equipment                                 16,50,000
                            (b)  Long-term Investments                                           1,60,000
                         2.  Current Assets
                            (a)  Inventories                                                     9,10,000
                            (b)  Trade Receivables                                              12,40,000
                            (c)  Cash and Cash Equivalents                                        40,000
                        Total                                                                   40,00,000
                                                          Debt (WN 1)
                       (i)  Debt to Equity Ratio =
                                                Equity (Shareholders’ Funds) (WN 2)

                                                 ` 9,00,000
                                              =             = 0.50 : 1.
                                                 ` 18,00,000
                          Working Notes:
                          1.                      Debt  =  Long-term Borrowings = ` 9,00,000.
                           2.       Equity (Shareholders’ Funds) =  Equity Share Capital + Reserves and Surplus
                                                        =  ` 15,00,000 + ` 3,00,000 = ` 18,00,000.

                                             Shareholders’ Funds   ` 18,00,000
                       (ii)  Proprietary Ratio =                 =            = 0.45 : 1.
                                                 Total Assets      ` 40,00,000

                                                      Total Assets  ` 40,00,000
                       (iii)  Total Assets to Debt Ratio =        =            = 4.44 : 1.
                                                         Debt        `  9,00,000
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