Page 113 - C++
P. 113

        void main()
        int a = 2, b = 5;

        Ans:   3*5*10

        1 (f) Write a function in C++ to accept two integers as parameters and returns the greater of these numbers.
                       int findbig(int a, int b)
               {       if(a>b)
                              return a;
                       else if(b>a)
                              return b;

        2(a) What do you understand by Data Encapsulation and Data Hiding? Also, give a suitable C++ code to
        illustrate both.
        Ans: Data Hiding: A class groups its members into three sections: private, protected and public. The private and
        protected members remain hidden from outside world. Thus through private and protected members, a class enforces
        data – hiding.
        Encapsulation : The wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit (class) is called as encapsulation.

        A class binds together data and its associated functions under one unit thereby enforcing encapsulation. It is a way of
        implementing abstraction.

        class ABC

        {private: int a,b;    //data hiding   Data

        protected: int c,d;                    +    Encapsulation

        void disp( )                        Function

        {      }


        (b) What is constructor overloading? Give an example to illustrate the same.
        Ans: Constructor Overloading:The constructor of a class may also be overloaded so that even with different number
        and types of initial values, an object may still be initialized. It implements poly(many)morphism(form).

        class Rectangle
        {      float l,b,a;
               Rectangle(){l=b=a=0;}                       //Default Constructor
               Rectangle ( float len = 5.0, float bre = 5.0)   //Parametrized Constructor with Default arguments
                       {l = len;     b = bre;}

        (c) Define a class HandSet in C++ with following description:
        Private members:
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