Page 141 - C++
P. 141

Race();            //function 1
                    Race(int CN);      //function 2
                    Race(Race &R)      //function 3
                    void Register();     //function 4
                    void Drive();       //function 5
                    void main()
                    Race R;
                      (i)  Out of the following, which of the options is correct for calling function 2?
                         Option 1 - Race T(30);
                         Option 2 - Race U(R);.
                    (ii)  Name the feature of object oriented programming, which is illustrated by function1, function2
                       and function 3 combined together.
                (c)  Declare a class myfolder with the following specification:                         [4]
                    Private members of the class
                   l  Filenames – an array of strings of size[10][25]( to represent all the names of files inside myfolder)
                   l  Availspace – long ( to represent total number of bytes available in myfolder)
                   l   Usedspace – long ( to represent total number of bytes used in myfolder)
                    Public members of the class
                   l  Newfileentry() – A function to accept values of Filenames, Availspace and Usedspacefromuser
                   l  Retavailspace() – A Fucntion that returns the value of total Kilobytes available (1 Kilobytes =
                      1024 bytes)
                   l  Showfiles() – a function that displays the names of all the files in myfolder
                (d)  Consider the following declarations and answer the questions given below:          [4]
                   class WORLD
                           int H;
                           int S;
                           void INPUT(int);
                           void OUTPUT();
                    class COUNTRY : private WORLD  // Base class WORLD & Sub class Contry
                           int T;
                           int U;
                           void INDATA( int, int)
                           void OUTDATA();
                    class STATE : public COUNTRY   // Base Class COUNTRY & Sub Class STATE
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