Page 148 - C++
P. 148

                     (i)  9#6#
                    (ii)  19#17#
                    (iii)  19#16#
                    (iv)  20#16#
              2. (a)  What is the difference between nesting or containership and inheritance? Explain with example?
                (b)  Answer the question (i) and (ii) after going through the following class:          [2]
                   class Travel
                    intPlaceCode; char Place[20]; float Charges;
                    Travel( ) //Function 1
                    PlaceCode=1; strcpy(Place,”DELHI”);Charges=1000;
                    voidTravelPlan(float C ) // Function 2
                    ~Travel( ) // Function 3
                    cout<<”Travel Plan Cancelled”<<endl;
                    Travel(intPC,char p[ ],float C) // Function 4
                    (i)  In Object Oriented Programming, what is Function 1 and Function 4 combined together
                       referred as?
                    (ii)  In Object Oriented Programming, which concept is illustrated by Function 3? When is this
                       function called/invoked?
                (c)  Define a class report with the following specification:                            [4]
                    Private members:
                    adno 4 digit admission number
                    name 20 characters
                    marks an array of 5 floating point values
                    average marks obtained
                    getavg() to compute the average obtained in five subjects
                    Public members:
                    read info() function to accept values for adno, name, marks, and invoke the function getavg().
                    display info() function to display all data members on the screen you should give function
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