Page 155 - C++
P. 155

Q2 (a) Write any two similarities between Constructor and Destructor. Write the function headers for
        constructor and destructor of a class student.                                                       (2)

         (b) Write the output of the following C++ code. Also, write the name of the feature of Object Oriented
        Programming used in the following program jointly illustrated by Function 1 to Function 3.           (2)

        class Race


               int CarNo, Track;


               Race(); // Function 1

               Race(int CN); // Function 2

               Race(Race &R); // Function 3
               void Register(); // Function 4

               void Drive(); // Function 5

        void main()

               Race R;

               Race T (30);



        (b) Write any four differences between Constructor and Destructor function with respect to object oriented
        programming.                                                                                         (2)

         (c) Define a class Bus in C++ with the following specifications:                                    (4)

        Data Members

        1)  Busno - to store Bus No
        2)  From – to store Place name of origin
        3)  To – to store Place name of destination
        4)  Type – to store Bus Type such as ‘O’ for ordinary
        5)  Distance – to store the Distance in Kilometers
        6)  Fare –to store the Bus Fare

        Member Functions

        1)  A constructor function to initialize Type as ‘O’ and Freight as 500
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