Page 168 - C++
P. 168

(c) Rewrite the following C++ code after removing any/all Syntactical Error(s) with each correction underlined.

              Note: Assume all required header files are already being included in the program.              (2)

        typedef char [80] String;

        void main ( )


        String S= “Peace”;

         int L=strlen(S) ;

         cout<<S<< ‘has’<<L<< ‘characters’<<end1;


        Ans. #include<string.h>


        typedef char String [80];
        void main ( )

        String S = “Peace”;

        int L= strlen(S) ;
        cout<<S<< “has” << L << “characters”<<endl;


         (d) Find and write the output of the following C++ program code:                                    (3)

        Note: Assume all required header files are already being included in the program.

        void main()


        char *NAME=”a ProFiLe”;

        for(int x=0;x<strlen(NAME);x++)



                       else if(isupper(NAME[x]))


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