Page 193 - C++
P. 193

Pair 1 is m0.m1

        Pair 2 is m10.m14

        Quad 1 is m1.m3.m5.m7
        Quad 2 is m6.m7.m14.m15

        Reduced expression for Pair 1 is (A+B+C)
        Reduced expression for Pair 2 is (A’+C’+D)

        Reduced expression for Quad 1 is (A+D’)
        Reduced expression for Quad 2 is (B’+C’)

        Hence final POS expression will be
        F (A,B,C,D)= (A+B+C) (A’+C’+D) (A+D’) (B’+C’)

        Q7 (a) Differentiate between Hackers and Crackers?                                                   (2)

        Ans. Hackers: Computer enthusiasts who enjoy learning about computer systems and get into other
        system/network for gaining more knowledge or may find flaws in the system for rectification purposes.

        Crackers: Malicious programmers who break into secure systems for stealing and corrupting/spoiling data.

        (b) Expand the following terminologies:                                                              (1)

         i) HTML ii) GSM
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