Page 229 - C++
P. 229

2.    (a)   Differentiate between private and public members of a class in context of Object
                         Oriented Programming. Also give a suitable example illustrating accessibility/non-
                         accessibility of each using a class and an object in C++.                        2

                   (b)  Observe the following C++ code and answer the questions (i) and (ii).

                         Note : Assume all necessary files are included.
                         class EXAM

                              long Code;

                              char EName[20];

                              float Marks;

                              EXAM()                         //Member Function 1



                              EXAM(EXAM &E)                  //Member Function 2




                         void main()


                              _____________                  //Statement 1
                              _____________                  //Statement 2


                         (i)   Which  Object  Oriented  Programming  feature  is  illustrated  by  the  Member
                              Function 1 and Member Function 2 together in the class EXAM ?               1

                         (ii)  Write  Statement  1  and  Statement  2  to  execute  Member  Function  1  and
                              Member Function 2 respectively.                                             1

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