Page 245 - C++
P. 245

CBSE AISSCE 2016-2017 Marking Scheme for Computer Science
                                         (Sub Code: 083 Paper Code 91/1 Delhi)

                             int R=random(3),C=random(4);
                             int MAT[3][3] = {{10,20,30},{20,30,40},{30,40,50}};
                             for(int I=0; I<R; I++)
                                  for(int J=0; J<C; J++)
                                     cout<<MAT[I][J]<<"  ";

                           (i)                                     (ii)

                           10 20 30                                10 20 30
                           20 30 40                                20 30 40
                           30 40 50
                           (iii)                                   (iv)

                           10 20                                   10 20
                           20 30                                   20 30
                                                                   30 40

                   Ans  (ii) and (iii)
                          Max Value of R:2
                          Max Value of C:3

                           (1 Mark for writing the correct options)
                           NOTE: No marks to be awarded for writing any other option or any other

                           (½ Mark for writing correct Maximum value of R)
                           (½ Mark for writing correct Maximum value of C)

              2.   (a)    Differentiate between private and public members of a class in context of Object                                  2
                          Oriented    Programming.     Also    give   a   suitable   example     illustrating
                          accessibility/non-accessibility of each using a class and an object in C++.

                   Ans    private                                  public
                          Implicit Visibility Mode                 Explicit Visibility Mode

                          Not accessible by the objects of class   Accessible by the objects of class
                          class A
                                int x;     //private Member
                                void In();//public member
                          void main()
                            A obja;
                            cin>>obja.x;//Not Accessible

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