Page 255 - C++
P. 255

CBSE AISSCE 2016-2017 Marking Scheme for Computer Science
                                         (Sub Code: 083 Paper Code 91/1 Delhi)
                          (2 marks for correct option)
                          Deduct ½ mark each for wrong options
                   (b)    Name the Python Library modules which need to be imported to invoke the                                      1
                          following functions
                          (i) ​ceil()                        (ii) ​randint()
                   Ans    (i)  ​math             ​(ii) ​random

                          (½ Mark for writing each correct Library modules)
                          Ignore any other Library modules, if mentioned

                   (c)    Rewrite the following code in python after removing all syntax error(s). Underline   2
                          each correction done in the code
                          for T in range[0,7]:
                            print TEXT(T)
                          print T+TEXT
                   Ans    TEXT=​"GREAT"
                          DAY =""
                          for T in range​(0,7)​:
                            print TEXT​[T]
                          print ​T,TEXT

                          Also range(0,7) will give a runtime error as the index is out of range. It should
                          be range(0,5)

                          (½ Mark for each correction, not exceeding 2 Marks)
                          (1 mark for identifying the errors, without suggesting corrections)
                   (d)   Find and write the output of the following Python code:                               2
                         STR   = ["90","10","30","40"]
                         COUNT = 3
                         SUM   = 0
                         for I in [1,2,5,4]:
                           S = STR[COUNT]
                           SUM = float (S)+I
                           print SUM

                   Ans    41.0
                          ( ½ mark for each correct line of output)
                          NOTE: Deduct ½ Mark for writing the answer in same line. Deduct ½ Mark for
                          writing numbers without decimal point
                   (e)    Find and write the output of the following python code:                              3
                          class ITEM:
                             def __init__(self,I=101,N="Pen",Q=10): #constructor

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