Page 369 - C++
P. 369

CBSE AISSCE 2017-2018 Marking Scheme for Computer Science
                                       (2018-2019 Sub Code: 083       Paper Code: 91)

                          (½ Mark for correct function header)
                          (½ Mark for opening the file CINEMA.DAT correctly)
                          (½ Mark for correct loop)
                          (½ Mark for correct load())
                          (½ Mark for correct checking of MTYPE)
                          (½ Mark for displaying the record)

              SECTION C - (For all the candidates)

               5     (a)   Observe the following tables VIDEO and MEMBER carefully and write the name of                                     2
                          the RDBMS operation out of (i) SELECTION (ii) PROJECTION (iii) UNION (iv)
                          CARTESIAN PRODUCT, which has been used to produce the output as shown below,
                          Also, find the Degree and Cardinality of the final result.

                          TABLE: VIDEO
                           VNO      VNAME                     TYPE

                           F101  The Last Battle              Fiction
                           C101  Angels and Devils  Comedy

                           A102  Daredevils                   Adventure

                          TABLE: MEMBER
                           MNO     MNAME

                           M101  Namish Gupta

                           M102  Sana Sheikh
                           M103  Lara James

                          FINAL RESULT
                          VNO  VNAME                       TYPE                MNO  MNAME
                          F101  The Last Battle  Fiction                       M101  Namish Gupta

                          F101  The Last Battle  Fiction                       M102  Sana Sheikh

                          F101  The Last Battle  Fiction                       M103  Lara James
                          C101  Angels and Devils Comedy                       M101  Namish Gupta

                          C101  Angels and Devils Comedy                       M102  Sana Sheikh
                          C101  Angels and Devils Comedy                       M103  Lara James

                          A102  Daredevils                 Adventure           M101  Namish Gupta
                          A102  Daredevils                 Adventure           M102  Sana Sheikh

                          A102  Daredevils                 Adventure           M103  Lara James

                   Ans     CARTESIAN PRODUCT

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