Page 510 - C++
P. 510

Telephone Billing System
            A project to store record of Residents, their Telephone consumption and to generate Bills

            struct Date
                   int dd,mm,yy;

            struct Plan
                   int Plan_code;
                   int free_calls;
                   char Internet;
                   float Call_charges,Internet_charges,Rent_ph,Rent_internet,others;

            class Resident
                   int R_code;
                   char Name[30],FatherName[20],Address[30],Phone[10],Mobile[15], pincode[8];
                   int free_calls;
                   float Arrear;
                   Plan P;
                   void RGetdata();
                   void RDisplaydate();
                   int Return_Rcode()
                                 Return R_code;
                   Char *Return_name() { return Name; }
                   int Return_Arrear ( )
                                 return Arrear;

            Class Monthly_cons
                   int R_code;
                   int call_consumed;
                   Date Bill_dt,Due_dt,payment_dt;
                   char paid;
                   float Bill_amt,Fin_amt;
                   void MGetdata();
                   void Mdisplaydata();
                   int Return_Ward_no(){return R_code;}
                   int Return_Ch(Date pd)
                          if (pd,dd<=Due_dt.dd && == Due_dt && pd.yy==Due+dt.yy.)
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