Page 83 - C++
P. 83

fstream/ ifstream

                             (½ Mark for each correct value of In.tellg()/sizeof(P) as 500 and 73

                              (1 Mark for correct stream)

             5        (a)    Observe the following table and answer the parts(i) and(ii) accordingly    (2)

                                    Pno           Name             Qty             PurchaseDate
                                    101            Pen             102              12-12-2011
                                    102           Pencil           201              21-02-2013
                                    103           Eraser            90              09-08-2010
                                    109         Sharpener           90              31-08-2012
                                    113            Clips           900              12-12-2011

                      (i)    Write the names of most appropriate columns, which can be considered as
                             candidate keys.

                      Ans.  Candidate Key: Pno, Name

                             (1 Mark for writing correct Candidate Keys)

                      (ii)   What is the degree and cardinality of the above table?

                      Ans.  Degree:4

                             (½ Mark for writing correct value of degree)
                             (½ Mark for writing correct value of cardinality)

                      (b)    Write SQL queries for (i) to (iv) and find outputs for SQL queries (v) to      (4+2)
                             (viii), which are based on the tables.


                              TID  TNAME                CITY                HIREDATE  SALARY
                              101    SUNAINA            MUMBAI              1998-10-15    90000
                              102    ANAMIKA            DELHI               1994-12-24    80000
                              103    DEEPTI             CHANDIGARG          2001-12-21    82000
                              104    MEENAKSHI          DELHI               2002-12-25    78000
                              105    RICHA              MUMBAI              1996-01-12    95000
                              106    MANIPRABHA  CHENNAI                    2001-12-12    69000

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