Page 89 - C++
P. 89

SENIOR                               JUNIOR

                                                   ADMIN                               HOSTEL

                             Distance between various wings are given below:

                                                 WingAtoWingS             100m

                                                 WingAtoWingJ             200m

                                                 WingAtoWingH             400m

                                                 WingStoWingJ             300m

                                                 WingStoWingH             100m

                                                 WingJtoWingH             450m

                             Number of Computers installed at various wings are as follows:

                                                 Wings           NumberofComputers

                                                 WingA                     20

                                                 WingS                    150

                                                 WingJ                     50

                                                 WingH                     25

                      (i)    Suggest the best wired medium and draw the cable layout to efficiently
                             connect various wings of Multipurpose PublicSchool, Bangluru.

                      Ans    Best wired medium: Optical Fibre OR CAT5 OR CAT6 OR CAT7 OR
                             CAT8 OR Ethernet Cable

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