Page 5 - IPP-12-2024
P. 5

8.  What is the significance of order by clause in the following query?                      [1]

                    Select emp_id, fname, lname from person order by emp_id;
                      (i)  Data will be sorted
                      (ii)  Data will be sorted in descending order
                      (iii)  Data will be sorted in ascending order
                      (iv)  All of these
                Ans.  (iii)  Data will be sorted in ascending order
                 9.  All aggregate functions ignore NULLs except for the __________ function.                 [1]
                      (i)  Max()      (ii)  Count(*)    (iii)  Avg()        (iv)  Sum()
                Ans.  (ii)  Count(*)
                 10.  Pandas are mainly used for                                                              [1]
                      (a)  Data Recovery                (b)  Data Backup
                      (c)  Data Visualizations          (d)  Data Analysis
                Ans.  (d)  Data Analysis
                 11.  What will be returned by the given query?                                               [1]
                      SELECT month('2020-05-11');
                      (i)  5          (ii)  11          (iii)  May          (iv)  November
                Ans.  (i)  5
                 12.  What will the following statement do if df is the name of a DataFrame?                  [1]
                    df.iloc[ : 5 , ]
                      (i)  It will display the first 5 columns of a dataframe.
                      (ii)  It will display the first 5 rows of a dataframe.
                      (iii)  It will display the first 5 rows and first 5 columns of a dataframe.
                      (iv)  None of these
                Ans.  (i)  It will display the first 5 rows of a dataframe.
                 13.  A responsible citizen must abide by                                                     [1]
                      (i)  Net etiquettes               (ii)  Communication etiquettes
                      (iii)  Social media etiquettes    (iv)  All of these
                Ans.  (iv)  All of these
                 14.  Out of the below clauses, where can the single-row functions be used?                    [1]
                      (i)  SELECT     (ii)  WHERE       (iii)  Both (i) and (ii)   (iv)  None of these
                Ans.  (iii)  Both (i) and (ii)
                 15.  Bluetooth is an example of                                                              [1]
                      (i)  WAN        (ii)  LAN         (iii)  PAN          (iv)  MAN
                Ans.  (iii)  PAN
                 16.  When someone steals someone else’s personal information to commit theft or fraud, it is called
                    ______________ .                                                                          [1]
                      (i)  Identity theft   (ii)  Hacking    (iii)  Computer piracy   (iv)  Infringement
                Ans.  (i)  Identity theft
               17 and 18 are Assertion and Reasoning Based Questions. Mark the correct choice as
                      (a)  Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A.
                      (b)  Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
                      (c)  A is true but R is false.
                      (d)  A is false but R is true.
                 17.  Assertion (A): The internet is the collection of interconnected computer networks linked by transmission
                    mediums such as copper wires, optic fibre and wireless connections.
                    Reasoning (R): WWW is a collection of interconnected documents.                           [1]
                Ans.  (b)  Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
                 18.  Assertion (A): loc is used to extract a subset of a data frame.                         [1]
                    Reasoning (R): Transpose of a data frame df can be obtained using df.T.
                Ans.  (b)  Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.

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