Page 12 - PYTHON-12
P. 12

                    Customer_id       Cust_name           City           Grade         Salesman_id
                  3002             Sunita Mishra    New York         100             5001
                  3007             Sujata           New York         200             5001
                  3005             Amir Suri        California       200             5002
                  3008             Kiaansh Soni     London           300             5002
                  3004             Chirag Puri      Paris            300             5006
                  3009             Kanika Kapoor    Berlin           100             5003
                  3003             Kamlesh Yadav    Moscow           200             5007
                  3001             Sumit Aneja      London           100             5005
                  (a)  To display the details (from both the tables) of the salesmen whose commission is less than 0.15.
                  (b)  To display the details of customers whose grade is in the range of 100 to 400.
                  (c)  To increase the grade by 250 of all the customers who belong to New York.
                  (d)  (i)  To display the names and id of customers who belong to Moscow or London.
                      (ii)  To display the cartesian product of these two tables.
             Ans.  (a)   Select * from SALESMAN s, CUSTOMER c where commission <0.15 and s.
                     Salesman_id=c. Salesman_id;
                  (b)  Select * from CUSTOMER where Grade between 100 and 400;
                  (c)  Update CUSTOMER set Grade = Grade + 250 where City='New York';
                  (d)  (i)  Select Cust_name, Customer_id from CUSTOMER where City IN ('Moscow',
                      (ii)   Select * from SALESMAN, CUSTOMER;
              35.  A table, named VEHICLE in MOTORSDB database, has the following structure:                (4)

                        Field           Type
                  Vehicle_id       Int(8)
                  Vehicle_Name     Varchar(20)
                  Price            Float
                  Quantity         Int(10)
                  Write the following Python function to perform the specified operation:
                  Show_data() to display and read only those records in which Quantity more than 100.
                  Note the following to establish connectivity between Python and MySQL:
                  Host: localhost
                  Username: root
                  Password: motors
             Ans.  import mysql. connector as mysql
                 def show_data():
                      con1=mysql.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="motors",\
                                   database ="MOTORSDB")
                      print("Vehicles having quantity more than 100")
                      mycursor. execute ("Select * from vehicle where quantity > 100")
                      for i in data:

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