Page 5 - PYTHON-12
P. 5

5.  Rahul wants to give a command to count non-existing value in commission attribute of staff table in
               MySQL. Help him complete the command:                                                       (1)
               select count(commission) from staff where ________________;
           Ans.  Select count(commission) from staff where commission is NULL;
            6.  Which of the following is not a network device?                                            (1)
                (a)  Firewall
                (b)  Router
                (c)  Bridge
                (d)  Gateway
           Ans.  (a)  Firewall

            7.  Consider a Dictionary of months and number of days:                                        (1)
               "October": 31,"November":30,"December":31}
                Give command to:
                (a)  Display all the months
                (b)  Display all the days
           Ans.  (a)  D.keys()
                (b)  D.values()

            8.  Give the output of the following program segment:                                          (1)
               x="hello World"
           Ans.  hello Wor
            9.  Consider a tuple of marks of students,  T=(78,89,90,44,89,95,39,45,78,44). Give command
               to:                                                                                         (1)
                (a)  Display average of tuple T
                (b)  Display how many students scored 89 marks
           Ans.  (a)  print(sum(T)/len(T))
                (b)  print(T.count(89))
            10.  In the context of Python-Database connectivity, rowcount is a/an—                         (1)
                (a)  attribute
                (b)  method
                (c)  object
                (d)  literal
           Ans.  (a)  attribute
            11.  Identify the domain name and URL from the following:                                      (1)
           Ans.  Domain
            12.  Is the following code correct? If yes, what will be the output of the following code?     (1)

               s="-". join(("one","two","three"))
           Ans.  No error
                Output: one-two-three
            13.  “Trying to add an element to a full stack results in an exception termed as Overflow.” (True or False)  (1)
           Ans.  True

          A.30                                                                     Computer Science with Python–XII
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