Page 103 - ISCDEBK-12
P. 103


                                                                            C H A P T E R

                     Death of a Partner

                                MEANING OF KEY TERMS USED IN THE CHAPTER

                     1. Death of a Partner
                     Death of a partner leads to reconstitution of the firm. The firm may continue its business with the
                     remaining  partners.
                     2. Revaluation of Assets
                     Revaluation  of  Assets  means  change  in  the  value  of  assets,  i.e.,  present  value  being  different  from
                     the book value of the assets.
                     3. Reassessment of Liabilities
                     Reassessment  of  Liabilities  means  reassessing  the  liabilities  and  determining  the  change, i.e.,
                     whether  the  liability  is  more  or  less  than  that  shown  in  the  books  of  account.
                     4. Gaining Ratio
                     Ratio  in  which  the  continuing  partners  acquire  deceased  partner’s  share  is  called  gaining ratio.
                     5. New Profit-sharing Ratio
                     Ratio in which the continuing partners (i.e., partners other than deceased partner) decide to share
                     future  profits  and  losses,  is  known  as  new profit-sharing ratio.
                     6. Profit and Loss Suspense Account
                     It is the account which is debited to adjust the share of profit of deceased partner between the date
                     of last Balance Sheet and the date of death, when profit-sharing ratio of continuing partners does
                     not  change.

                                             SUMMARY OF THE CHAPTER

                     •  Adjustment on Death of a Partner: At the time of death of a partner, few accounting issues arise and
                       are settled,  e.g., calculation of the new profit-sharing ratio and the gaining ratio, revaluation of assets
                       and liabilities, treatment of goodwill, accumulated profits, reserves and surplus, share in profits or losses
                       of the outgoing partner up to the date of retirement.
                     •  New Profit-sharing Ratio:  The ratio in which the continuing partners (i.e., partners other than the
                       deceased one) decide to share the future profits and losses, is known as the ‘New Profit-sharing Ratio’.
                                             New Share = Old Share + Acquired Share
                       Unless agreed otherwise, it is presumed that the continuing partners acquire the deceased partner’s share in
                       their old profit-sharing ratio.
                     •  Gaining Ratio: The ratio in which the continuing partners acquire the deceased partner’s share is known
                       as the ‘Gaining Ratio’.
                                         Gaining Ratio =  New Ratio – Old Ratio
                                       Gain of a Partner =  New Share – Old Share
                     •  Adjustment with regard to Goodwill: When a partner dies his share of profit is taken by the remaining
                       partners.  The remaining  partners then compensate the deceased partner in the form of goodwill in their
                       gaining ratio. The following entry is recorded for this purpose:
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