Page 165 - ISCDEBK-12
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                                                                           C H A P T E R

                     Joint Stock Company—

                     Issue of Shares

                              MEANING OF KEY TERMS USED IN THE CHAPTER

                     1.   Company
                     It is an entity incorporated through the process of law for undertaking (usually) a business. It is an
                     artificial  person  distinct  and separate from its members who are known as shareholders.
                       A  company  may  be  one  person  company  or  private  company  or  a  public  company.
                     2.  One Person Company
                       It  is  a  company  which  has  only  one  person  as  a  member.
                     3.  Private Company
                     It is a company which has minimum paid-up capital as may be prescribed* and which by its Articles
                     of Association:
                       (i)  restricts the right to transfer its shares, if any.
                       (ii)  except  in  One  Person  Company,  limits  the  number  of  its  members  excluding  its  present  and
                         past  employee  members  to  200;  if  the  past  or  present  employee  acquired  the  shares  while  in
                         employment and continue to hold them.
                          If any share is held jointly by two or more persons, they shall be treated as a single member.
                      (iii)  prohibits  any  invitation  to  the  public  to  subscribe  for  any  securities  of  the  company.
                          The  minimum  number  of  members  required  to  form  a  private  company  is  two.
                          The  name  of  a  Private  Company  ends  with  the  words,  ‘Private Limited’.
                     4.  Public Company
                     It  is  a  company  which  has  minimum  paid-up  capital  as  may  be  prescribed*  and  which
                       (i)  is  not  a  one  person  company  or  a  private  company;
                       (ii)  is  a  private  company,  which  is  a  subsidiary  of  a  public  company.
                     The  minimum  number  of  members  required  to  form  a  public  limited  company  is  seven.  There  is
                     no  restriction  on  maximum  number  of  members.
                     The  name  of  a  Public  Company  ends  with  the  word  ‘Limited’.
                     5.   Share
                     ‘Share’  means  a  share  in  the  Share  Capital  of  a  company  and  includes  stock.
                                                                   [Section  2(84)  of  the  Companies  Act,  2013]
                     It  is  a  unit  into  which  Share  Capital  of  a  company  is  divided.
                     6.  Preference Share Capital
                     It  is  a  kind  of  share  capital  which  carries  preferential  rights  in  respect  of  dividend  payment  and
                     repayment  of  capital  over  Equity  Shareholders,  if  the  company  is  wound  up.
                     *Companies  are  not  required  to  have  minimum  paid-up  capital  w.e.f.  29th  May,  2015.
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