Page 192 - ISCDEBK-12
P. 192

7.28                                Double Entry Book Keeping (Section A)—ISC XII

                                                 BALANCE SHEET OF GEE KAY LTD. as at ...
                     Particulars                                                        Note No.    `
                      I.  EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                          Shareholders’ Funds
                         Share Capital                                                     1      9,96,000
                          Reserves and Surplus                                             2      2,01,000

                     Notes to Accounts
                      1.  Share Capital                                                            `
                        Authorised Capital
                         ... Shares of ` 10 each                                                    ...
                         Issued Capital
                         1,00,000 Shares of ` 10 each                                            10,00,000
                         Subscribed Capital
                         Subscribed and fully paid-up
                         99,000 Shares of ` 10 each                                               9,90,000
                        Add:  Forfeited Shares A/c                                                  6,000
                      2.  Reserves and Surplus
                        Capital Reserve                                                             5,000
                         Securities Premium Reserve (WN 8)                                        1,96,000

                     Working Notes:
                     1.  (i)  Shares applied by Anil and Shares Application money paid and adjusted:
                           Shares allotted = 1,000
                           ∴  Shares applied =     ¥1,50,000 = 1,500
                                            1,00,000                                                 `
                           Application money paid (1,500 × ` 4)                                    6,000
                           Less: Adjusted against share application (1,000 × ` 4)                  4,000
                           Balance to be adjusted against allotment money                          2,000
                           Amount due from Anil on allotment (1,000 × ` 5)                         5,000
                           Less: Balance to be adjusted against allotment money                    2,000
                           Balance not received on allotment                                       3,000
                           Comprising:  Share Capital                                              1,000
                                     Securities Premium Reserve                                    2,000
                       (ii)  Shares applied by Amit and application money paid and adjusted:
                           Shares allotted = 2,000
                           ∴  Shares applied =     ¥1,50,000 = 3,000
                                            1,00,000                                                 `
                           Application money paid (3,000 × ` 4)                                    12,000
                           Less: Adjusted against share application (2,000 × ` 4)                  8,000
                           Balance to be adjusted against allotment                                4,000
                            Amount due from Amit on allotment (2,000 × ` 5)                        10,000
                           Less: Balance to adjusted against allotment                             4,000
                            Amount not received on allotment                                       6,000
                            Comprising:  Share Capital                                             2,000
                                     Securities Premium Reserve                                    4,000
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