Page 62 - ISCDEBK-12
P. 62

3.20                                     Double Entry Book Keeping (Section A)—ISC XII

                     Dr.                              REVALUATION ACCOUNT                             Cr.
                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                        `

                     To  Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c      2,000   By  Land and Building A/c      10,000
                     To  Gain (Profit) transferred to:          By  Stock A/c                       4,000
                        A’s Capital A/c         7,200
                        B’s Capital A/c         4,800   12,000
                                                        14,000                                     14,000

                     Dr.                           PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                         Cr.
                     Particulars           A       B      C     Particulars           A      B      C
                                           `       `      `                           `      `      `
                     To  Profit and Loss A/c   3,000   2,000   ...   By  Balance b/d  10,000  10,000  ...
                     To  Balance c/d     34,000   26,000   15,000   By  Premium       6,000   4,000   ...
                        (Balancing Figure)                         for Goodwill A/c
                                                                By  Revaluation A/c   7,200   4,800   ...
                                                                By  General Reserve A/c   9,000   6,000   ...
                                                                By  Workmen’s Compensa-
                                                                   tion Reserve A/c   4,800   3,200   ...
                                                                By  Cash A/c (WN)      ...    ...   15,000
                                         37,000  28,000  15,000                      37,000  28,000  15,000

                                                 BALANCE SHEET OF M/s A, B AND C
                                                        as at 1st April, 2018
                     Liabilities                          `     Assets                              `

                     Capital A/cs:                              Land and Building                  18,000
                     A                          34,000          Plant and Machinery                10,000
                     B                          26,000          Debtors                   12,000
                     C                          15,000   75,000   Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts   3,000   9,000
                     Liability for Workmen’s Compensation      2,000   Stock                       16,000
                     Creditors                          10,000   Cash [` 9,000 + ` 25,000 (WN)]      34,000
                                                        87,000                                     87,000

                     Working Note:
                     Computation of C’s Capital:                                                     `
                       Capital of A after all adjustments                                         34,000
                       Capital of B after all adjustments                                         26,000
                       Combined capital of A and B for 4/5th share                                 60,000
                     ∴	Total capital of new firm =  ` 60,000 × 5/4
                           C’s share in capital =  ` 60,000 × 5/4 × 1/5 = ` 15,000.
                          Total cash paid by C =  Capital (` 15,000) + Share of goodwill (` 10,000)
                                            =  ` 25,000.
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