Page 77 - ISCDEBK-12
P. 77

4.4                                      Double Entry Book Keeping (Section A)—ISC XII

                       (iii)  Creditors ` 10,000 will not be claimed.
                       (iv)  There was an outstanding bill for repair ` 2,000.
                       (v)  Goodwill of the firm was valued at ` 75,000. Barun’s share of goodwill is to be adjusted
                           in the accounts of Arpit and Binay.
                       (vi)  Barun was to be paid ` 20,000 in cash and balance was to be transferred to his Loan Account.
                     Prepare Revaluation Account, Partners’ Capital Accounts and Balance Sheet of Arpit and
                     Binay after Barun’s retirement.
                     Dr.                             REVALUATION ACCOUNT                              Cr.
                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                         `
                     To  Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c      5,000   By  Building A/c            27,000
                        (` 7,000 – ` 2,000)                     By  Creditors A/c                  10,000
                     To  Outstanding Repairs A/c        2,000
                     To  Gain (Profit) on Revaluation trfd. to:
                        Arpit’s Capital A/c     18,000
                        Barun’s Capital A/c     6,000
                        Binay’s Capital A/c     6,000   30,000
                                                       37,000                                      37,000
                     Dr.                          PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                          Cr.
                     Particulars          Arpit  Barun  Binay  Particulars           Arpit  Barun  Binay
                                           `      `      `                            `       `     `

                     To  Profit and Loss A/c   12,000   4,000   4,000  By  Balance b/d   1,50,000  1,00,000  99,000
                     To  Barun’s Capital A/c   11,250   ...   3,750  By  Revaluation A/c   18,000   6,000   6,000
                        (Goodwill) (Note 1)                       (Gain)
                     To  Bank A/c          ...   20,000   ...   By  Workmen Com. Reserve A/c  30,000   10,000  10,000
                     To  Barun’s Loan A/c   ...   1,07,000   ...   By  Arpit’s Capital A/c (Goodwill)   ...   11,250   ...
                     To  Balance c/d    1,74,750   ...   1,07,250  By  Binay’s Capital A/c   ...   3,750   ...
                                        1,98,000  1,31,000  1,15,000                1,98,000  1,31,000  1,15,000

                                          BALANCE SHEET OF THE NEW FIRM as at 1st April, 2020
                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                             `

                     Creditors                          30,000   Bank (` 31,000 – ` 20,000)        11,000
                     Bills Payable                      30,000   Debtors                   70,000
                     Outstanding Repairs                 2,000   Less:  Provision for Doubtful Debts   7,000   63,000
                     Barun’s Loan                      1,07,000   Stock                            80,000
                     Capital A/cs:                              Building                          2,97,000
                     Arpit                    1,74,750
                     Binay                    1,07,250  2,82,000
                                                       4,51,000                                   4,51,000

                     Notes: 1.  Barun’s Share of Goodwill = ` 75,000 × 1/5 = ` 15,000, which is contributed by Arpit and Binay in
                             Gaining Ratio, i.e., 3 : 1.
                           2.  Liability does not exist against Workmen Compensation Reserve. Therefore, it is distributed among
                             the partners in their old profit-sharing ratio.
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