Page 122 - MA12
P. 122

M.28                                        Management Accounting (Section B)—ISC XII


                       1.  (i)  (a)  Calculate Average Capital Employed of the business as under:
                                                          Opeing Capital Employed  + Closing Capital Employed
                                 Average Capital Employed =                                          .
                              (b)  Normal Profit = Average Capital Employed × Normal Rate of Return/100.
                              (c)  Super Profit = Average Future Maintainable Profit – Normal Profit.
                              (d)  Goodwill = Super Profit × No. of Years’ Purchase.
                         (ii)  Debentures Redemption Reserve (DRR) is a reserve set aside out of profits available for
                             payment as dividend for the purpose of redemption of debentures.
                              The  amount  to  be  transferred  to  DRR  is  specified  in  Rule  18(7)(b)  of  the  Companies
                             (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014. The rule prescribed that a company shall
                             transfer at least 25 per cent of the nominal (face) value of the outstanding debentures to DRR.
                         (iii)  Dr. Raja’s Capital A/c: ` 22,500 and Samrat’s Capital A/c: ` 52,500;
                              Cr.  Badshah’s Capital A/c: ` 75,000.
                         (iv)  Dr. Investment Fluctuation Reserve A/c—` 40,000;
                              Cr. Sunil’s Capital A/c—` 15,000; Dalip’s Capital A/c—` 15,000 and Investments A/c—` 10,000.
                            Basis                  Undersubscription               Oversubscription

                      1.  Shares Applied  Number of shares applied for  is less than  the   Number of shares applied for is more than the
                                         number of shares offered for subscription.  number of shares offered for subscription.
                      2.  Acceptance     All the applications for shares are accepted, i.e.,   All applications are not accepted. Some
                                         full allotment is made.          are rejected. Alternatively, shares are
                                                                          allotted on pro rata basis.
                      3.  Refund         As all applications are accepted, there is no   Excess application money is  refunded  or
                                         excess money to be refunded.     adjusted towards allotment.
                         (vi)  Non-current Assets comprises of following items:
                              (a)  Fixed Assets;
                              (b)  Non-current Investments;
                              (c)  Deferred Tax Assets (Net);
                              (d)  Long-term Loans and Advances;
                              (e)  Other Non-current Assets.
                       2.  (a)                 PROFIT AND LOSS APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT
                     Dr.                           for the year ended 31st March, 2020                Cr.
                     Particulars                          `     Particulars                         `
                     To  General Reserve A/c (10% of ` 1,80,000)      18,000   By  Profit and Loss A/c (Net Profit)      1,80,000
                     To  Interest on Capital A/c:                By  Interest on Drawings A/c:
                        Mohit                    15,000            Mohit (` 36,000 × 6.5/12 × 6/100)    1,170
                        Ali                      12,500   27,500      Ali (` 36,000 × 6/12 × 6/100)   1,080
                     To  John’s Salary A/c               60,000      John (` 36,000 × 5.5/12 × 6/100)   990   3,240
                     To  Mohit’s Remuneration  A/c (10% of ` 1,80,000)     18,000
                     To  Ali’s Commission A/c             5,136
                        [10/110(` 1,80,000 – ` 18,000 – ` 27,500 –
                        ` 60,000 – ` 18,000)]
                     To  Profit transferred to:
                        Mohit’s Capital A/c      18,201
                        Ali’s Capital A/c        18,201
                        John’s Capital A/c       18,202   54,604
                                                        1,83,240                                  1,83,240
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