Page 131 - MA12
P. 131

Model Test Papers                                                             M.37

                     March  31  10% Debentures A/c                           ...Dr.      20,00,000
                             Premium on Redemption of Debentures A/c         ...Dr.      2,00,000
                                To  Debentureholders’ A/c                                        22,00,000
                             (Being the amount due on redemption)
                     March  31  Debentureholders’ A/c                        ...Dr.      22,00,000
                                To  Bank A/c                                                     22,00,000
                             (Being the payment made to debentureholders)
                             Debentures Redemption Reserve A/c               ...Dr.      5,00,000
                                To  General Reserve A/c                                           5,00,000
                             (Being the transfer of DRR to General Reserve on redemption
                             of debentures)
                       7.  (a)
                     Dr.                              REALISATION ACCOUNT                             Cr.
                     Particulars                          `     Particulars                         `
                     To  Sundry Assets A/c              2,68,625   By  Sundry Creditors A/c        75,000
                     To  Bank A/c (Creditors)            75,000   By  Employees’ Provident Fund A/c      7,500
                     To  Bank A/c (Employees’ Provident Fund)      7,500   By  Bank A/c (Sundry Assets)      2,32,500
                     To  Pawan’s Capital A/c (` 2,325 + ` 13,550 (WN))   15,875   By  Loss on Realisation transferred to:
                                                                    Saurabh’s Capital A/c   20,800
                                                                    Gaurav’s Capital A/c   15,600
                                                                    Pawan’s Capital A/c   15,600   52,000
                                                        3,67,000                                  3,67,000

                     Dr.                            PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                        Cr.
                     Particulars       Saurabh (`)  Gaurav (`)  Pawan (`)  Particulars  Saurabh (`)  Gaurav (`)  Pawan (`)
                     To  Realisation A/c (Loss)   20,800   15,600   15,600   By  Balance b/d   55,000  22,500  60,000
                     To  Bank A/c (Bal. Fig.)    54,200   21,900   75,275   By  Workmen
                        (Final Payment)                            Compensation
                                                                   Reserve A/c      20,000  15,000  15,000
                                                                By  Realisation A/c   ...    ...   15,875
                                         75,000  37,500  90,875                     75,000  37,500  90,875
                     Dr.                                 BANK ACCOUNT                                 Cr.
                     Particulars                          `     Particulars                         `
                     To  Balance b/d                      1,375   By  Realisation A/c (Creditors)      75,000
                     To  Realisation A/c (Assets)       2,32,500   By  Realisation A/c (Employees’ Provident Fund)   7,500
                                                                 By  Saurabh’s Capital A/c (Final Payment)      54,200
                                                                 By  Gaurav’s Capital A/c (Final Payment)      21,900
                                                                 By  Pawan’s Capital A/c (Final Payment)      75,275
                                                        2,33,875                                  2,33,875

                     Working Note: Calculation of Pawan’s Remuneration:
                       A.  Total cash available:                                     `             `
                          (i)  Cash at Bank                                        1,375
                          (ii)  Sale proceeds of assets                          2,32,500        2,33,875
                       B.  Total payment (except Pawan’s commission of amount distributed and payment to partners):
                          (i)  Payment to Sundry Creditors                        75,000
                          (ii)  Payment for Employees’ Provident Fund              7,500
                          (iii)  Commission on value of assets realised (1% of ` 2,32,500)   2,325   84,825
                         Payment made to Partners (A – B)                                        1,49,050
                       C.  Commission on amount distributed to the partners = ` 1,49,050 × 10/110 = ` 13,550.
                         Total amount payable to Pawan = ` 2,325 + ` 13,550 = ` 15,875.
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