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P. 90

Ratio Analysis                                                                 4.35

                       II.  ASSETS
                        1.  Non-Current Assets
                          Fixed Assets—Tangible                                                  7,30,000
                                   —Intangible                                                    10,000
                        2.  Current Assets
                          (a)  Inventories                                                       7,50,000
                          (b)  Trade Receivables                                                 6,40,000
                          (c)  Cash and Bank Balances                                            1,00,000
                          (d)  Other Current Assets                                               10,000
                        Total                                                                   22,40,000
                     Notes to Accounts
                      1.  Share Capital                                                            `
                         Equity Share Capital                                                     5,00,000
                         12% Preference Share Capital                                             5,00,000
                      2.  Reserves and Surplus
                         General Reserve                                                          2,00,000
                         Surplus, i.e., Balance in Statement of Profit and Loss                    40,000
                      3.  Long-term Borrowings
                         12% Debentures                                                           1,50,000
                         Loan from Bank                                                            50,000

                       4.  From the following data, calculate:
                          (i) Current Ratio; and (ii) Operating Ratio.
                          Sundry Debtors—` 10,000; Bills Payable—` 6,000; Stock—` 15,000; Cash and Bank Balances
                         ` 15,000; Creditors—` 14,000; Revenue from Operations (Net Sales)—` 60,000; Operating Expenses—
                         ` 12,000; Cost of Revenue from Operations (Cost of Goods Sold)—` 18,000.
                       5.  Following is the Balance Sheet of ABC Limited as at 31st March, 2019:
                     Particulars                                                        Note No.    `
                      I.  EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                        1.  Shareholders’ Funds
                          (a)  Share Capital                                                      48,000
                          (b)  Reserves and Surplus                                               12,000
                        2.  Non-Current Liabilities
                          Long-term Borrowings                                                    30,000
                        3.  Current Liabilities
                          (a)  Short-term Borrowings—Bank Overdraft                               10,000
                          (b)  Trade Payables                                                     36,800
                          (c)  Short-term Provisions (Provision for Tax)                           1,200
                        Total                                                                    1,38,000
                       II.  ASSETS
                        1.  Non-Current Assets
                          Fixed Assets—Tangible                                                   90,000
                        2.  Current Assets
                          (a)  Inventories                                                        24,000
                          (b)  Trade Receivables                                                  18,000
                          (c)  Cash and Bank Balances                                              4,560
                          (d)  Other Current Assets (Prepaid Expenses)                             1,440
                        Total                                                                    1,38,000
                          Calculate the following:
                         (i)  Current Ratio and (ii)  Liquid Ratio.
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95