Page 88 - MA12
P. 88

Ratio Analysis                                                                 4.33

                                                 Net Operating Profit
                      (n)  Operating Profit Ratio =                   ¥ 100
                                               Revenue from Operations

                                                `  6,00,000
                                             =            ¥ 100 =  30%.
                                               ` 20,00,000
                          Note:   Net Operating Profit =  Gross Profit – Operating Expenses + Operating Income
                                                 =  ` 8,00,000 – ` 2,00,000 + NIL = ` 6,00,000.
                                                 =  Revenue from Operations – Cost of Revenue from Operations
                                                   – Operations – Operating Expenses
                                                 =  ` 20,00,000 – ` 12,00,000 – ` 2,00,000 = ` 6,00,000.

                                                  Unsolved Questions

                       1.  From the following Balance Sheet of Paper Products Ltd., calculate Debt to Equity Ratio:

                                                         BALANCE SHEET
                                                       as at 31st March, 2019
                     Particulars                                                        Note No.    `
                      I.  EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                        1.  Shareholders’ Funds
                          (a)  Share Capital                                                     2,50,000
                          (b)  Reserves and Surplus                                               50,000
                        2.  Non-Current Liabilities
                          Long-term Borrowings                                                   4,50,000
                        3.  Current Liabilities
                          (a)  Trade Payables                                                     50,000
                          (b)  Other Current Liabilities                                          25,000
                        Total                                                                    8,25,000
                       II.  ASSETS
                        1.  Non-Current Assets
                          (a)  Fixed Assets
                              (i)  Tangible Assets                                               4,00,000
                             (ii)  Intangible Assets                                             1,00,000
                          (b)  Non-Current Investments                                           1,75,000
                        2.  Current Assets
                          (a)  Inventories                                                        50,000
                          (b)  Trade Receivables                                                  75,000
                          (c)  Cash and Bank Balances                                             25,000
                        Total                                                                    8,25,000
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93