Page 169 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 169

Chapter 7  Death of a Partner  7.11
                     Dr.                            PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                        Cr.
                     Particulars         M (`)   N (`)   O (`)  Particulars         M (`)   N (`)   O (`)
                     To  Drawings A/c      ...     ...   12,000   By  Balance b/d   1,35,000  95,000  74,000
                     To  Goodwill A/c     5,000   3,000   2,000   By  Revaluation A/c   5,000   3,000   2,000
                     To  Profit and Loss A/c   75,000   45,000   30,000      (Profit)
                     To  M’s Capital A/c   ...    8,750   ...   By  N’s Capital A/c   8,750   ...   14,000
                     To  O’s Capital A/c   ...   14,000   ...      (Goodwill) (WN 1)
                     To  O’s Loan A/c      ...     ...   1,000   By  Investment Fluctua-
                     To  Advertisement                             tion Reserve A/c   3,500   2,100   1,400
                        Expenditure A/c    1,000   600    400   By  Workmen
                     To  Bank A/c          ...     ...   11,200      Compensation
                     To  O’s Executors’ A/c   ...   ...   36,000      Reserve A/c    3,000   1,800   1,200
                     To  Balance c/d     74,250  30,550   ...
                                        1,55,250  1,01,900  92,600                 1,55,250  1,01,900  92,600

                                            BALANCE SHEET OF THE NEW FIRM  as at 1st April, 2018
                     Liabilities                          `     Assets                              `
                     Sundry Creditors                   11,000   Patents                           66,000
                     Employees’ Provident Fund           6,000   Machinery                         48,800
                     O’s Executors’ A/c                 36,000   Stock                             20,000
                     Workmen Compensation Claim          1,000   Sundry Debtors                    24,000
                     Bank Overdraft (WN 3)               2,200   Accrued Income                     2,200
                     M’s Capital A/c             74,250
                     N’s Capital A/c             30,550  1,04,800
                                                       1,61,000                                   1,61,000

                     Working Notes:
                      1.  Calculation of Gain/(Sacrifice) of Each Partner:
                                          15 - 20
                        M’s Gain = 3/8 – 5/10 =   = –5/40 (Sacrifice);
                                          25  -12
                        N’s Gain = 5/8 – 3/10 =   = 13/40 (Gain).
                      2.  Adjustment of Goodwill:
                                     ( 2,02,000 `      + 32,000 `
                                              + 28,000 `
                                                               + 1,50,000)
                         Firm’s Goodwill =                                × 2.5 = ` 70,000
                        M’s Sacrificed Share of Goodwill = ` 70,000 × 5/40 = ` 8,750;
                        N’s Gained Share of Goodwill = ` 70,000 × 13/40 = ` 22,750;
                        O’s Sacrificed Share of Goodwill = ` 70,000 × 2/10 = ` 14,000.
                        N is the only gaining partner.
                     3.   Dr.                            BANK ACCOUNT                                 Cr.
                     Particulars                          `     Particulars                        `

                     To  Balance b/d                      600   By O’s Capital A/c                 11,200
                     To  Investment A/c (Sale)           8,200
                     To  Bad Debts Recovered A/c          200
                     To  Balance c/d                     2,200
                                                        11,200                                     11,200
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