Page 165 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 165

Chapter 7  Death of a Partner  7.7
                     Dr.                              REVALUATION ACCOUNT                             Cr.
                     Particulars                          `     Particulars                         `
                     To  Stock A/c                      16,000   By  Land and Building A/c         50,000
                     To  Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c      10,000
                     To  Gain (Profit) on Revaluation transferred to:
                        X’s Capital A/c           8,000
                        Y’s Capital A/c          12,000
                        Z’s Capital A/c           4,000  24,000
                                                        50,000                                     50,000

                     Dr.                            PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                        Cr.
                     Particulars        X (`)   Y (`)   Z (`)   Particulars        X (`)   Y (`)   Z (`)
                     To  Goodwill A/c    8,000   12,000            4,000   By  Balance b/d  2,00,000  4,00,000  6,00,000
                     To  Y’s Capital A/c   36,000   ...   ...   By  X’s Capital A/c   ...   36,000   60,000
                        (Goodwill)                                 (Goodwill)
                     To  Z’s Capital A/c   60,000   ...   ...   By  Revaluation A/c   8,000   12,000   4,000
                        (Goodwill)                                 (Gain)
                     To  Adv. Susp. A/c    8,000   12,000   4,000   By  Work. Com. Res. A/c   8,000   12,000   4,000
                     To  Z’s Executors’ A/c    ...   ...   6,62,000   By  Inv. Fluc. Res. A/c   4,000   6,000   2,000
                     To  Balance c/d   1,08,000  4,42,000  ...
                                       2,20,000  4,66,000  6,70,000               2,20,000  4,66,000  6,70,000

                                                  BALANCE SHEET as at 1st April, 2018
                     Liabilities                          `     Assets                              `
                     X’s Capital              1,08,000          Land and Building                 5,50,000
                     Y’s Capital              4,42,000   5,50,000   Investments                    92,000
                     Z’s Executors’ A/c (WN 3)         3,31,000   Stock                           1,44,000
                     Creditors                         7,20,000  Debtors                  6,00,000
                     Workmen Compensation Claim         16,000   Less:  Provision for Doubtful Debts   30,000   5,70,000
                                                                Bank                              2,61,000
                                                       16,17,000                                 16,17,000
                     Working Notes:
                      1.  Calculation of Gain/(Sacrifice) of Share:
                                                New Share        Old Share          Difference
                                   X              3/5              2/6          3/5 – 2/6  =  8/30 (Gain)
                                   Y              2/5              3/6          2/5 – 3/6  =  – 3/30 (Sacrifice)
                      2.  Calculation of Goodwill:
                                       `  90,000 +   1,80,000 +   2,70,000`  `
                        (i)  Average Profit =                   = ` 1,80,000.
                       (ii)  Firm's Goodwill  =  ` 1,80,000 × 2 = ` 3,60,000.
                       (iii)  Z’s share in Goodwill = ` 3,60,000 × 1/6 = ` 60,000.
                          Since, Y is sacrificing 3/30 of his share of profit, therefore, X will also compensate Y proportionately by
                          ` 36,000 (i.e., ` 3,60,000 × 3/30).
                     Dr.                             Z’S EXECUTORS’ ACCOUNT                           Cr.
                     Particulars                          `     Particulars                         `
                     To  Bank A/c                      3,31,000   By  Z’s Capital A/c             6,62,000
                     To  Balance c/d                   3,31,000
                                                       6,62,000                                   6,62,000
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