Page 86 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 86

5.2  Double Entry Book Keeping—CBSE XII

                     •  The ratio in which all partners including the incoming partner share future profits and losses is known as
                       the new profit-sharing ratio.
                     •  The ratio in which the old (existing) partners have agreed to sacrifice their share in profits in favour of an
                       incoming partner is called the sacrificing ratio.
                                              Sacrificing Ratio = Old Ratio – New Ratio.
                       Notes:  1.  Unless agreed otherwise, the New Profit-sharing Ratio of Old Partners will be the same as their
                               Old Profit-sharing Ratio.
                             2.  Unless agreed otherwise, Sacrificing Ratio of Old Partners will be the same as their old Profit-
                               sharing Ratio.
                     •  Accounting Treatment of Goodwill:  New  Partner  has  to  compensate  the  sacrificing  partners  by  paying
                       them an amount, called as Goodwill or Premium for Goodwill.
                       Note:  Write off the existing goodwill (if any)  appearing in the Balance Sheet of the firm by debiting the Old
                            Partners’ Capital Accounts (in case of fluctuating capital) or Partners’ Current Accounts (in case of fixed
                            capital) in their old profit-sharing ratio and crediting the Goodwill Account. Unless agreed otherwise, it
                            is presumed that the old partners sacrifice in their old profit-sharing ratio.
                                                 ACCOUNTING ENTRIES FOR GOODWILL
                     1.  Goodwill (Premium) Paid Privately    No Entry
                     2.  Goodwill brought in Cash             Cash/Bank A/c                    ...Dr.
                                                                 To  Premium for Goodwill A/c
                        Distribution of Goodwill              Premium for Goodwill A/c         ...Dr.
                                                                 To  Sacrificing Partners’ Capital A/cs   [In sacrificing ratio]
                                                                 To  Sacrificing Partners’ Current A/cs
                                                                    (When Capitals are Fixed)
                     3.  Goodwill withdrawn by the Sacrificing (Old) Partners   Sacrificing Partners’ Capital A/cs   ...Dr.
                                                                 To  Cash/Bank A/c
                     4.  Goodwill not brought in Cash         New Partner’s Current A/c        ...Dr.
                                                                 To  Sacrificing Partners’ Capital A/cs   [In sacrificing ratio]
                     5.  Goodwill brought in kind             Assets A/c                       ...Dr.
                                                                 To  Premium for Goodwill A/c
                       Note:  If incoming partner brings a part of his share of Goodwill in Cash then unpaid share of goodwill
                            should be debited to his  Current Account.  Debit Balance of Current Account will appear in the
                            Assets side of Balance Sheet.
                     •  Revaluation Account or the Profit and Loss Adjustment Account is prepared to revalue the assets and
                       reassess the liabilities of the firm at the time of reconstitution of the firm.
                     Dr.                              REVALUATION ACCOUNT                             Cr.
                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                        `

                     To  Decrease in Value of Assets      ...      By  Increase in Value of Assets      ...
                     To  Increase in amount of Liabilities      ...      By  Decrease in amount of Liabilities      ...
                     To  Unrecorded Liabilities A/c       ...      By  Unrecorded Assets A/c           ...
                     To  Gain (Profit)* trfd. to the Old Partners’          By  Loss* trfd. to the Old Partners’
                        Capital A/cs (in the old profit-sharing ratio)   ...         Capital A/cs (in the old profit-sharing ratio)   ...
                                                          ...                                          ...
                     *Either of the two will appear.
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