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3.40                                         Analysis of Financial Statements—CBSE XII
                       5.  Following is the Balance Sheet of ABC Limited as at 31st March, 2024:

                     Particulars                                                      Note No.     `
                      I.  EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                         1.  Shareholders’ Funds
                            (a)  Share Capital                                                   4,80,000
                            (b)  Reserves and Surplus                                            1,20,000
                         2.  Non-Current Liabilities
                            Long-term Borrowings                                                 3,00,000
                         3.  Current Liabilities
                            (a)  Short-term Borrowings                                            68,000
                            (b)  Trade Payables (Creditors)                                      4,00,000
                            (c)  Short-term Provisions                                            12,000
                         Total                                                                  13,80,000
                       II.  ASSETS
                         1.  Non-Current Assets
                             Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets—Property, Plant and Equipment      9,00,000
                         2.  Current Assets
                            (a)  Inventories (Stock)                                             2,40,000
                            (b)  Trade Receivables (Debtors)                                     1,80,000
                            (c)  Cash and Cash Equivalents                                        60,000
                         Total                                                                  13,80,000

                         1.  Long-term Borrowings are 3,000, 10% Debentures of ` 100 each.
                         2.  Short-term Provisions is towards Provision for Tax.
                         Calculate the following Ratios:
                          (i) Current Ratio, and (ii) Liquid Ratio.
                          What conclusions do you draw about the Company on the basis of these Ratios?
                                                                  [Ans.: Current Ratio = 1 : 1; Liquid Ratio = 0.50 : 1.]
                       6.  From the following Balance Sheet of Ramji Ltd., calculate Current Ratio:
                                                 BALANCE SHEET as at 31st March, 2024
                     Particulars                                                      Note No.     `

                      I.  EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                        1.  Shareholders’ Funds
                          (a)  Share Capital                                                     2,60,000
                          (b)  Reserves and Surplus                                               90,000
                        2.  Current Liabilities
                          (a)  Short-term Borrowings (Bank Overdraft)                             20,000
                          (b)  Trade Payables                                                     60,000
                        Total                                                                    4,30,000
                       II.  ASSETS
                        1.  Non-Current Assets
                          Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets—Property, Plant and Equipment  2,60,000
                        2.  Current Assets
                          (a)  Inventory (Including Loose Tools ` 10,000)                         72,000
                          (b)  Trade Receivables                                                  32,000
                          (c)  Cash and Cash Equivalents                                          56,000
                          (d)  Other Current Assets (Accrued Income)                              10,000
                        Total                                                                    4,30,000
                                                                                   [Ans.: Current Ratio = 2 : 1.]
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