Page 133 - C++
P. 133

                              while( *)&a, sizeof(a)))

                                     if( strcmp( “5 to 8”, t.whatage())==0)

               5.      a)  Explain  the  concept  of  Cartesian  product  of  two  tables,  with  the  help  of

                       appropriate example.                                                              2

                 Ans:   It is called unrestricted join. It gives all possible combinations of records of both tables.
                       If table 1 contains 3 records and table 2 contains 2 records then Cartesian product will be
                       6 records.

                              Table 1                                                  Table 2
                       Admno    Name         classsec                  Admno     Eng      Maths    Sc

                       111      Abhinash     3E                        222       98       99       88
                       222      Arundeep     7B                        111       90       100      99

                       333      Aman         10E
                 Then Cartesian product will be:
                                 Admno     Name          Classsec    Admno     Eng     Maths    Sc

                                 111       Abhinash      3E          222       98      99       88
                                 111       Abhinash      3E          111       90      100      99
                                 222       Arundeep      7B          222       98      99       88
                                 222       Arundeep      7B          111       90      100      99

                                 333       Aman          10E         222       98      99       88
                                 333       Aman          10E         111       90      100      99

                       b)  Consider  the  following  tables  PRODUCTS  and  SUPPLIERS  and  answer

                       (b1) and (b2) parts of the question:
                                                  Table: PRODUCTS

                PID                PNAME                 SUPCODE        QTY     PRICE       COMPANY

                101           DIGITAL CAMERA                S01         120      12000      CREATIVE

                102             DIGITAL PAD                 S02         100      22000         iBALL
                104           PENDRIVE 16GB                 S01         500      1100       KINGSTON

                106           LED SCREEN 32”                S02          70      28000      SAMSUNG

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