Page 129 - C++
P. 129

b) An array T[50][20] is stored in the memory along the column with each of

                       the elements occupying 4 bytes. Find out the base address and address of
                       element  T[30][15],  if  an  element  T[25][10]  is  stored  at  the  memory  location

                       9800.                                                                             3
                       Ans: Number of row=m=50

                       Number of columns=n=20
                       Width of element=w=4
                       Loc( T[i][j])= b+(i+ j * m)*w
                       Loc( T[25][10]) =9800 given
                       I=25, j=10
                       B= base address
                       So 9800=B+(25+10 *50)*4

                              B= 9800 – 2300=7500
                       Now loc( T[30][15])   i=30, j=15
                       Loc= 7500 +(30 +15 * 50)*4
                              =7500 +3120=10620
                       c)  Write  a  function  displayalternate()  to  display  alternate  element  starting

                       from [0][0] position of 2D array of MXN size. Function is having array, number
                       of row and column as parameter                                                    2

                       Ans: void displayalternate( int a[][5], int m, int n)
                           {  // converting 2d to 1d
                              int k=0;

                              for( int i=0; i<m; i++)
                                     for(int j=0; j<n; j++, k++)
                           // displaying alternate element
                           for( i=0 i<k; i+=2)

                       d) Evaluate the following postfix expression using stack. Show status of stack

                       after each operation.   False, True, NOT, OR, True, False, AND, OR                2

                           Scanned      operation                   Stack status       Result
                           False        push                        False
                           True         push                        False True

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