Page 183 - C++
P. 183

Node *Link ;

        } ;

        class STACK


               Node *Top ;

        public :

               STACK( ) {Top = NULL ;}

               void PUSH( ) ;

               void POP( ) ;

               ~STACK( ) ;

        } ;

        void STACK::PUSH( )

               Node *Temp;
               Temp=new Node;

               if(Temp= =NULL)

                       cout<<”\nNo memory to create the node…”;



        cout<<”\nEnter the Number to be inserted: “;

        cin>>Temp→ Number;

        Temp→ Link=Top;



         (e) Convert the following Infix expression to its equivalent Postfix expression, showing the stack contents for
        each step of conversion.                                                                             (2)


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