Page 185 - C++
P. 185

(e)  Evaluate the following postfix expression showing stack status after every step                 (2)

        8, 2, +, 5, 3, -, *, 4 /
        Element scanned from  Stack status after            Operation performed
        postfix expression      processing the scanned
        8                       8                           Push 8

        2                       8, 2                        Push 2

        +                       10                          Op2=pop() i.e 2
                                                            Op1=pop() i.e 8
                                                            Push(op1+op2) i.e. 8+2
        5                       10, 5                       Push(5)

        3                       10, 5, 3                    Push(3)

        -                       10, 2                       Op2=pop() i.e. 3
                                                            Op1=pop() i.e. 5
                                                            Push(op1-op2) i.e. 5-3
        *                       20                          Op2=pop() i.e. 2
                                                            Op1=pop() i.e. 10
                                                            Push(op1-op2) i.e. 10*2
        4                       20, 4                       Push 4

        /                       5                           Op2=pop() i.e. 4
                                                            Op1=pop() i.e. 20
                                                            Push(op1/op2) i.e. 20/4
        NULL                    Final result 5              Pop 5 and return 5

        Q4 (a) Write a C++ program, which initializes a string variable to the content.”Time is a great teacher but
        unfortunately it kills all its pupils. Berlioz”and output the string one character at a time to the disk file OUT.txt.
        Include all the header files required.                                                 (2)


        int main()
        ofstream fout(“OUT.TXT”);
        char *str= “Time is a great teacher but unfortunately it kills all its pupils. Berlioz”;
        int i=0;
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