Page 284 - C++
P. 284
def Assign(self,r,m): #function 2
Regno = r
Marks = m
def Check(self): #function 3
print self.Regno, self.Marks
print Regno, Marks
(i) In the above class definition, both the functions — function 1
as well as function 2 have similar definition. How are they
different in execution ?
(ii) Write statements to execute function 1 and function 2.
(c) Define a class BOX in Python with the following specifications : 4
Instance Attributes
- BoxID # Numeric value with a default value 101
- Side # Numeric value with a default value 10
- Area # Numeric value with a default value 0
Methods :
- ExecArea() # Method to calculate Area as
# Side * Side
- NewBox() # Method to allow user to enter values of
# BoxID and Side. It should also
# Call ExecArea Method
- ViewBox() # Method to display all the Attributes
(d) Differentiate between static and dynamic binding in Python ? Give
suitable examples of each. 2
(e) Write two methods in Python using the concept of Function
Overloading (Polymorphism) to perform the following operations : 2
(i) A function having one argument as Radius, to calculate Area
of Circle as 3.14*Radius*Radius.
(ii) A function having two arguments as Base and Height, to
calculate Area of right-angled triangle as 0.5*Base* Height.
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