Page 286 - C++
P. 286

class Factory :
                       def __init__(self,FID,FNAM):
                           self.FCTID = FID                 # FCTID  Factory ID

                           self.FCTNM = FNAM                # FCTNM  Factory Name
                           self.PROD  = 1000                # PROD       Production

                       def Display(self):
                           print self.FCTID,":",self.FCTNM,":", self.PROD

                                             SECTION C

                                    [For all the candidates]

      5.   (a)     Observe the following table MEMBER carefully and write the name
                   of the RDBMS operation out of (i) SELECTION (ii) PROJECTION
                   (iii)  UNION  (iv)  CARTESIAN  PRODUCT,  which  has  been  used  to
                   produce the output as shown in RESULT. Also, find the Degree and
                   Cardinality of the RESULT :                                                     2


                    NO         MNAME                    STREAM

                    M001       JAYA                     SCIENCE

                    M002       ADITYA                   HUMANITIES

                    M003       HANSRAJ                  SCIENCE

                    M004       SHIVAK                   COMMERCE


                    NO         MNAME                      STREAM

                    M002       ADITYA                     HUMANITIES

           (b)     Write SQL queries for (i) to (iv) and find outputs for SQL queries (v)

                   to (viii), which are based on the tables.                                       6
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