Page 331 - C++
P. 331


                     [Only for candidates, who opted for Python]

      1.   (a)     Differentiate between Syntax Error and Run-Time Error. Also, write
                   a suitable example in Python to illustrate both.                                2

           (b)     Name  the  Python  Library  modules  which  need  to  be  imported  to
                   invoke the following functions :                                                1

                   (i)     sin()
                   (ii)    search()

           (c)     Rewrite  the  following  code  in  Python  after  removing  all  syntax
                   error(s). Underline each correction done in the code.                           2

                   Val = int(rawinput("Value:"))
                   Adder = 0

                   for C in range(1,Val,3)

                        if C%2=0:
                             Print C*10

                             print C*

                   print Adder

           (d)     Find and write the output of the following Python code :                        2
                   Data  = ["P",20,"R",10,"S",30]

                   Times = 0
                   Alpha = ""

                   Add   = 0
                   for C in range(1,6,2):
                        Times = Times + C

                        Alpha = Alpha + Data[C-1]+"$"
                        Add   = Add + Data[C]

                       print Times,Add,Alpha
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