Page 334 - C++
P. 334
(i) What is the difference between the variable in Line 2 and
Line 4 in the above Python code ?
(ii) Write the output of the above Python code.
(c) Define a class CONTAINER in Python with the following
specifications : 4
Instance Attributes
- Radius,Height # Radius and Height of Container
- Type # Type of Container
- Volume # Volume of Container
- CalVolume() # To calculate volume
# as per the Type of container
# With the formula as given below :
Type Formula to calculate Volume
1 3.14 * Radius * Height
3 3.14 * Radius * Height/3
- GetValue() # To allow user to enter values of
# Radius, Height and Type.
# Also, this method should call
# CalVolume() to calculate Volume
- ShowContainer() # To display Radius, Height, Type
# Volume of the Container
91 15 P.T.O.