Page 38 - C++
P. 38

Instance attribute.
                      Class Attributes belong to the class itself. These attributes will be shared by all the
                      instances. Such attributes are defined in the class body part, usually at the top, for
                      Attributes defined for each class instance are known as Instance Attributes. These are
                      called instance attributes and they belong to each instance/object of a class.

                      (1 mark for correct point of difference)
               (ii)   Fill in the blanks:                                                                           1
                      B= BOOK()
                      ______________________________ #Write statement to invoke Function 2
                      ______________________________ #Write statement to invoke Function 3

                      ( ½ mark for each correct statement)
               (c)    Define a class COURSE in Python with the following description :                              4
                      Instance Attributes:
                             REGNO Integer
                             CNAME String
                             Score Float
                             Fees Float
                                   A constructor to assign REGNO  as 0, Score and Fees as 0.0
                                   SetCourse() to assign Course and Fees on the basis of the Score input as
                                     per the following criteria:
                                       Score            CNAME                     Fees
                                       >=9.0 -<=10.0    Clinical Psychology       10000.0
                                       >=8.0 - <9.0     Corporate Counselling      8000.0

                                       >=5.0 - <8.0     Guidance and
                                                        Counselling                6000.0
                                       less than 5.0    Not Eligible                   0.0

                                   GETDATA() to input REGNO and Score  and invoke SetCourse()
                                   DISPLAY() to display all the details.

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