Page 41 - C++
P. 41

Q3     (a)    Write  the  definition  of  a  function  Reverse(X)  in  Python,  to  display  the  elements  in   2
                      reverse  order  such  that  each  displayed  element  is  the  twice  of  the  original  element
                      (element * 2) of the List X in the following manner:
                      If List X contains 7 integers is as follows:
                        X[0]      X[1]      X[2]     X[3]      X[4]     X[5]      X[6]
                          4         8        7         5         6        2        10
                      After executing the function, the array content should be displayed as follows:
                         20         4        12       10        14       16         8


                      (1 mark for correct loop)
                      (1 mark for displaying twice of the list element)
               (b)    Consider the following unsorted list :                                                       3
                      [22, 54, 12, 90, 55, 78]
                      Write the passes of selection sort for sorting the list in ascending order till the 3

               Ans    Pass 1:  [12, 54, 22, 90, 55, 78]
                      Pass 2 : [12, 22, 54, 90, 55, 78]
                      Pass 3 : [12, 22, 54, 90, 55, 78]

                      (1 mark to produce correct List after each pass.)
               (c)    Consider the following class Order and do as directed:                                       4

                                                                       Blank 1

                      i. Fill in the blank 1 with a statement to insert OID in the Queue maintained using List
                      ii. Complete the definition of delorder() to delete OID from the Queue maintained using
                      List L, the function should return the OID being deleted or -1 in case the Queue is

               Ans:  i. self.L.append(self.OID)

                      ( 1 mark for the correct answer)

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