Page 57 - C++
P. 57

                                    void Start();
                                    void View();
                             void main()
                                    Schedule S;           //Statement 1
                                    ___________           //Statement 2

                      (i)    Write the names of all the member functions, which are directly accessible
                             by the object S of class Schedule as declared in main() function.

                      (ii)   Write the names of all the members, which are directly accessible by the
                             memberfunction Start( ) of class Schedule.

                      (iii)   Write Statement 2 to call function View( ) of class Programme from the
                             object S of class Schedule.

                      (iv)   What will be the order of execution of the constructors, when the object S
                             of class Schedule is declared inside main()?


                      (d)    Consider the following class State :
                                            class State
                                            protected :
                                            int  tp;
                                            public :
                                            State( ) { tp=0;}
                                            void  inctp( ) { tp++;};
                                            int  gettp(); { return  tp; }

                                    Write a code in C++ to publically derive another class ‘District’
                                    with the following additional members derived in the public
                                    visibility mode.

                                    Data Members :
                                    Dname                string
                                    Distance        float
                                    Population      long  int

                                    Member functions :
                                            DINPUT( ) : To enter Dname, Distance and population
                                            DOUTPUT( ) : To display  the data members on the screen.

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