Page 59 - C++
P. 59

                             const int size=10;
                             class CQUEUE
                                    Player  Ar[size];
                                    int  Front, Rear;
                                    CQUEUE( )
                                          Front = -1;
                                          Rear = -1;
                                    void Ins_Player();   // To add player in a static circular queue
                                    void Del_Player(); // To remove player from a static circular queue
                                    void Show_Player(); // To display static circular queue


                      (d)    Write a function in C++ to delete a node containing Books information
                             ,from a dynamically allocated stack of Books implemented with the help of
                             the following structure:
                             struct Book
                             int BNo;
                             char BName[20];
                             Book *Next;

                      (e)    Convert the following Infix expression to its equivalent Postfix expression,  (2)
                             showing the stack contents for each step of conversion.


                             Evaluate the following Postfix expression :

             4        (a)    Write a function RevText() to read a text file “ Input.txt “ and Print only     (2)
                             word starting with ‘I’ in reverse order .
                             Example: If value in text file is: INDIA IS MY COUNTRY
                             Output will be: AIDNI SI MY COUNTRY


                      (a)    Write a function in C++ to count the number of lowercase alphabets present
                             in a text file “BOOK..txt".

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