Page 64 - C++
P. 64


                                            WingAtoWingS                       100m

                                            WingAtoWingJ                       200m

                                            WingAtoWingH                       400m

                                            WingStoWingJ                       300m

                                            WingStoWingH                       100m

                                            WingJtoWingH                       450m

                             Number of Computers installed at various wings are as follows:

                                            Wings                NumberofComputers

                                            WingA                20

                                            WingS                150

                                            WingJ                50

                                            WingH                25

                      (i)    Suggest  the  best  wired  medium  and  draw  the  cable  layout  to  efficiently
                             connect various wings of Multipurpose PublicSchool, Bangluru.

                      (ii)   Namethe    most    suitablewing  wherethe    Servershouldbe
                             installed.Justifyyour answer.

                      (iii)   Suggest a device/software and its placement that would provide
                             data security for the entire network of the School.

                      (iv)   Suggest a device and the protocol that shall be needed to provide wireless
                             Internet access to all smartphone/laptop users in the campus           of
                             Multipurpose Public School, Bangluru.

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