Page 7 - IPP-11
P. 7

(c)  What will be the output of the following:                                             (2)

                     s = 'PYTHON'
                     s1= s[::-1]
                Ans.  NOHTYP
                 (d)  Anurag wants to use the function sqrt() from the module math. Write a statement to help Anurag to
                    include only the sqrt() function in his program.                                        (2)
                Ans.  from math import sqrt
               QUESTION 4

                 (a)  Give the output of the following NumPy code:                                          (2)
                    import numpy as np
                     data = np.array([5,2,7,3,9])
                     print (data[:])
                Ans.  [5 2 7 3 9]
                     [2 7]
                     [5 2]
                     [3 9]
                 (b)  Write a NumPy code for creating and displaying subset of a given array A below:       (4)
                      If A {1, 3, 5}, then all the possible/proper subsets of A are { }, {1}, {3}, {5}, {1, 3}, {3, 5}
                Ans.  import numpy as np
                     def sub_lists(list1):
                         # store all the sublists
                         sublist = [[]]
                         for i in range(len(list1) + 1): # first loop
                             for j in range(i + 1, len(list1) + 1): # second loop
                                 sub = list1[i:j] # slice the subarray
                          return sublist
                     x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) # driver code
                 (c)  Differentiate between a NumPy array and list?                                         (3)

                                 NUMPY ARRAY                                 LIST
                     numpy.Array works on homogeneous  Python list is made up for heterogeneous
                     (same) types.                          (different) types.
                     Python list supports adding and removing  numpy.Array does not support addition
                     elements.                              and removal of elements.
                     Can’t contain elements of different types  Can contain elements of different types
                     Less memory consumption                More memory consumption
                     Faster runtime execution               Runtime execution is comparatively slower
                                                            than Arrays.

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