Page 9 - IPP-11
P. 9


                 (a)  What is a primary key?                                                                (1)
                Ans.  A key attribute that uniquely identifies each row of a relation.
                 (b)  Write SQL query to create the following table.                                        (2)
                      Table: STUDENT

                     Column name        Data type        size      Constraint
                     ROLLNO             Integer          4         Primary Key
                     SNAME              Varchar          25        Not Null
                     GENDER             Char             1         Not Null
                     DOB                Date                       Not Null
                     FEES               Integer          4         Not Null
                     HOBBY              Varchar          15        Null
                Ans.  CREATE TABLE student(
                              rollno INT(4) PRIMARY KEY,
                              sname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
                              gender CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
                              dob DATE NOT NULL,
                              fees INT(4) NOT NULL,
                              hobby VARCHAR(15)
                 (c)  Write SQL queries based on the following tables:
                     P_ID        ProductName      Manufacturer   Price     Discount
                     TP01        Talcum Powder    LAK            40
                     FW05        Face Wash        ABC            45        5
                     BS01        Bath Soap        ABC            55
                     SH06        Shampoo          XYZ            120       10
                     FW12        Face Wash        XYZ            95

                     C_ID    ClientName       City           P_ID
                     01      Cosmetic Shop    Delhi          TP01
                     02      Total Health     Mumbai         FW05
                     03      Live Life        Delhi          BS01
                     04      Pretty Woman     Delhi          SH06
                     05      Dreams           Delhi          TP01
                     (i)  Write SQL query to display ProductName and Price for all products whose Price is in the range
                        of 50 to 150.                                                                       (1)
                     (ii)  Write SQL query to display details of product whose manufacturer is either XYZ or ABC   (1)
                    (iii)  Write SQL query to display ProductName, Manufacturer and Price for all products that are not given
                        any discount.                                                                       (1)
                    (iv)  Write SQL query to display ClientName, City, and P_ID for all clients whose city is Delhi.   (2)
                     (v)  Which column is used as Foreign Key and name the table where it has been used as Foreign Key.  (2)

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