Page 74 - ISCDEBK-XI
P. 74
Sub-Division of Journal 11.3
4. Ledger Folio (L.F.). When the Purchases Book is posted to the ledger, the page number of
the ledger is written.
5. Details. The amount in respect of each article is written in this column. If trade discount is
allowed by the seller, it is deducted from the gross amount. Thereafter, expenses payable,
if any (say, freight/cartage) are added. It is shown as follows:
Quantity × Price per Article ...
Less: Trade Discount ...
Add: Expenses (Freight/Cartage, etc.) ...
Invoice Price ...
6. Cost. Cost of goods purchased.
7. Expenses. The expenses say freight, cartage and/or packing material, etc., payable to the
seller of goods is written.
8. Total. The amount of invoice and expenses payable is written.
Format of Sales Book or Sales Journal
Date Particulars Invoice L.F. Details Sale Freight, Total
No. Value Cartage, etc.
` ` ` `
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Format of Purchases Return Book or Returns Outward Book
Date Particulars Debit L.F. Details Amount
Note No. ` `
Format of Sales Return Book or Returns Inward Book
Date Particulars Credit L.F. Details Amount
Note No. ` `